
Find us on Mesures Solutions EXPO

Merci à tous pour votre participation à l'édition 2024, nous vous donnons rendez-vous les 14 et 15 octobre 2026 à Lyon.

Salon MSE
Salon MSE
Salon MSE

Flagship action of the Measurement Network for the year 2024, the 4th edition of the Measurements Solutions EXPO trade fair will be held at the Cité des Congrès in Lyon. It will present the exhaustiveness of the Measurement offer, from the world of research to that of production, from current solutions to future prospects.

Being as close as possible to customers is the motto of the MSE trade fair. By offering a general offer that meets multiple potential needs, the exhibitors wished to bring together measurement professionals in the same place in order to offer them complete solutions. Visitors can thus access a diversified offer, whatever their expectations, techniques and processes used.

Innovative products will be present along with the most cutting-edge know-how, both on the stands and during the exhibitor workshops.

Organized around plus de 150 stands , visitors will discover nearly 300 major French and international brands.

From consulting to carrying out projects, the experts present at this show will advise visitors not only through the innovative solutions presented on their stands, but also through the organization of 25 thematic workshops, during which they will present their know-how. and their novelties.

2 News
an area Start-up
an area job-training

This year, a space will be dedicated to Start-Ups so that they can present their projects. The world of measurement is evolving and affects more and more areas for which new expertise is now available.

Training and recruiting in line with the market, a necessity to continue to best meet customer needs. MSE2024 will feature a space for exchanges between measurement professionals, schools and recruitment stakeholders. Job opportunities are plentiful.

event partner

Within this framework the French College of Metrology  organized a series of conferences on subjects in line with industrial needs oriented to quality, methods and techniques: will you have the right measurement?


Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que les Journées de la Mesure 2024 auront à nouveau lieu en partenariat avec le salon Mesures Solutions EXPO pour un duo gagnant !

The CFM organizes the Measurement Days tous les deux ans pour que toute personne intéressée par la mesure puisse participer à un événement interactif alliant conférences d’experts et ateliers de démonstration pratiques. Les JM2024 vous donneront les outils clés pour traiter des problématiques phares de la mesure industrielle, autour de plusieurs thématiques de choix.

En 2024, nous nous concentrerons notamment sur les méthodologies et bonnes pratiques de pesage, de mesure dimensionnelle, de gestion des fluides… Tous les acteurs des processus de mesure et de production sont concernés : utilisateur de moyens de mesure, responsable métrologie, responsable qualité ou production, technicien, ingénieur ...

Registration for the JM allows you to follow the tutorials and workshops, to access privileged discussion times around coffee and lunch breaks with the speakers and participants of the event, to discover the exhibitors of the MSE show. Faites des rencontres et répondez à vos problématiques terrain lors des JM2024 !

Full program and registration coming soon!

For more information : info@cfmetrologie.com 04 99 58 85 88


lycée la martinère Lyon BTS CIRA
ingénieurs 2000
IUT Le Creusot
universite grenoble 2021
CY Cergy Paris Universite_coul
eau milieu et sol
cci algerie_01
CCI_France_Allemagne_fond blanc

Mesures Solutions

Latest edition
2,000 participants / 132 exhibitors and 10 start-ups

35% Executives, Engineers
15% Technicians, Foremen, Drivers
11% Heads of department
10% CEO, CEO, Managers

35% Oil, gas, energy
31% Chemistry, pharmacy
19% Metallurgy, steel industry
12% Food industry

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Retrouvez-nous les 15 et 16 octobre 2026
