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axes industries 2022 Logo sur fond bleu (002)

AXES INDUSTRIES® has been a publisher for more than 22 years of Reference Media dedicated to Mechatronics, Automation, Measurement, Industrial Computing for Industrial Machines and Processes.
AXES INDUSTRIES® is a key player in targeting Designers, Manufacturers and Users of Machines, Specialists in Components, Software, Systems, Sub-assemblies, Measurement and Control, Machine Safety.
AXES INDUSTRIES® offers a complete range of 100% WEB Marketing tools: - Product referencing on our Internet portal www.axesindustries.com for natural referencing on search engines - Direct marketing: Highly qualified database. Design offices, Methods services for Manufacturers, Maintenance ... Sending of e-mailing Solos 60,000 personalized contacts and monthly newsletters - Services +: Realization of e-mailing, newsletters, banners.

A reference in emailing in its sector and quality support for the realization of your campaigns. The recognized quality of our leads is above all our desire to offer you a different file.



The media for control technologies and applications for laboratories and industry. Controls Tests Measurements is your partner for communicating with professionals in metrology, non-destructive testing, tomography, electronics, optics-photonics and instrumentation. Controls Tests Measurements is reliable and complete information, offered by an editorial team made up of specialists and experts, validated by the largest partners in the sector.
Controls Tests Measures is the quarterly review, the daily newsletter, podcasts and webinars as well as photo and video reports to meet the players in the world of measurement. Controls Tests Measurements is where you are.



DeviceMed is the only French-language magazine devoted exclusively to medical technologies. Its 6 annual issues provide a variety of information on design, production, control, cleaning, packaging or sterilization equipment, on subcontracting and advisory services, materials, regulations, clinical studies. , as well as economic information on the medical device market. Supplemented by an electronic newsletter and a website, the DeviceMed magazine is published in 6,300 copies and distributed throughout French-speaking Europe.



Magazine of industrial equipment distributed monthly to 20,000 subscribers in paper format and to 28,000 subscribers in digital format, Equip'prod offers in-depth articles, application cases and reports in the rail, aeronautics and medical sectors. , microtechnology, energies ... and exhibits innovations in metalworking, metrology, cutting tools, sheet metal, equipment, robotics, plastics ...


essai et simulation BaseLine

Environmental sciences and techniques for laboratories and industry.
Tests & Simulations is the reference journal for all professionals and designers in the fields of industrial environmental testing (destructive or non-destructive) and measurement, in industry, laboratories, training or education and research. True technological watch, Tests & Simulations constitute each quarter for its readers a reliable and complete source of information.



FranceEnvironnement is a product platform enriched with a technical news feed. This thread makes it possible to visualize the technical news of the environment, on several media at a glance, and aggregates the technical data provided by the companies.



Eureka Industries is a family service group with 5 activities:

  • Editor of the Eureka Flash Info magazine, French quarterly paper leader in information on equipment for liquid and gaseous fluid installations – 80 pages of technical information every quarter – 40,000 readers – free subscription for all technicians and engineers in the process industries, those involved in the water cycle, design offices, engineering and maintenance companies concerned
  • Technical continuing education organization leader in France in training in the field of pumps of all types for all applications and ATEX training for maintenance personnel. Ability to pass Ism'ATEX certifications for all specialties. Training throughout France.
  • Editor of the information website Industrial Elements, which issues a technical information newsletter every morning and has many sections, including job offers.
  • Industrial performance audit and consultancy specialized in process industries
  • Advertising management specializing in the promotion of technical journals


la gazette du labratoire

At your service, simple, accessible, open to all, La Gazette du LABORATOIRE has been supporting news from French-speaking Research, Development and Control laboratories for more than 20 years. Our JOURNAL is at your disposal to communicate on your news, your projects, equipment or services. Our WEB site offers many useful promotional sections (products, news, training, application, video, etc.) - Our E-mailing service allows personalized actions.
Our specialized Search engine, LABORATOIRE.com, strengthens your visibility with users. Our AFRICA supports open the doors to a continent in full evolution. Also discover our new LABHorizons.net site, a bridge between students and professionals.



The review L'EAU, L'INDUSTRIE, LES NUISANCES, specialized in the water sector, offers high-level information every month. A true reference magazine, it has been widely introduced for more than 40 years in this sector.



Le Journal des fluides is the French magazine for industrial equipment for processing pasty and viscous liquid raw materials. Distributed free of charge to a qualified readership, the journal is distributed both in agrifood companies, pharmaceutical / cosmetics, petrochemicals and even communities. The Fluids Journal is also available in digital version on the website or by newsletters. To receive it for free, register on the website. Each year, Le journal des fluides also publishes the updated directory of suppliers of industrial equipment for processing liquid raw materials.
See the article dedicated to Measurement Network "page 43"


Machines production

production machinery, industry news, has for more than 50 years been the reference professional magazine for metalworking, from the design of parts to the finished product.

Production machinery published in 8,000 copies, 16 times a year and in addition distributed to 125,000 nominative emails from the mechanical industry, is aimed at all those who design, machine and assemble mechanical assemblies.
Throughout the pages, you will find articles, technical information on machine tools, cutting tools, additive manufacturing, measuring machines, control technologies, accessories, etc.


Logo UN

L’Usine nouvelle est un magazine mensuel français de presse écrite du Groupe Industrie Services Info (GISI) consacré à l'économie et aux technologies dans le monde industriel.

Le magazine traite de l'actualité, de l'évolution et de la direction des marchés, de veille technologique et de veille concurrentielle du monde de la production industrielle. À travers son site L'Usine digitale, il s'est positionné également sur l'information concernant les entreprises du numérique.

L'éditeur du magazine est la société INFOPRO DIGITAL



Le Monde de l'Industrie provides you with specific tools intended only for manufacturers in the sensor, measurement and industrial vision sector:
• A special newsletter for sensors, measurement, industrial vision
• Web packs to reference your products in the sections concerned: sensors or measurement
• A solo mailing with contacts selected according to their purchasing behavior and areas of interest.
These tools are intended only for industry players and will put industrial products and services in these areas into perspective. The best way to promote your products and the most effective tool to generate leads from targeted readers and subscribers. A unique opportunity to stay informed about the latest news, technologies and the most recent products.



Measurements Magazine for the optimization of industrial processes. A real technology watch tool that analyzes emerging or developing markets, anticipates technological developments, reveals new products, provides technical information and examples of solutions around automation, instrumentation, IT industrial, industrial vision and energy efficiency.



The magazine of solutions for maintenance and risk prevention.

Each quarter, Production Maintenance offers a complete overview of technologies and methods for maintenance, production monitoring and risk prevention: equipment and instruments for monitoring, measurement and real-time monitoring, IoT, software, preventive maintenance solutions , conditional and forecast, training, PPE… In addition to the "technologies" section, there are numerous field reports and user interviews.



Sent each month to more than 63,000 qualified subscribers (paper and digital), PEI is primarily intended for engineers and technicians in design, production and purchasing departments by providing them with an exhaustive presentation of the latest product innovations and available technologies. on the French market.
In addition to the magazine, PEI offers a set of online media, the site www.pei-france.com (80,000 unique visitors / month); bimonthly newsletters sent to 31,000 subscribers, as well as monthly thematic e-mailings in particular: Measurement and test (13,041 subscribers) and Sensors and Transmitters (13,722 subscribers).



Le Journal du Vrac supports manufacturers involved in the storage, handling and processing of powders, granular and powdery, all sectors combined. "




INFO CHIMIE, the leading media brand in the chemical industry sector.

Info Chimie provides a vision of current events in the chemical industry and its suppliers. The files analyze the problems and changes in the sector.

The technical focuses examine the major unitary production operations by presenting the latest innovations and numerous feedbacks.



Zoneindustrie.com, a real online information media for all users, specifiers and buyers in the industry allowing them to obtain information, obtain documentation and request quotes.



Daily measurement, from the sensor to the cloud

A publication of the ViPress.net group, ViPress-mesure.net is an entirely online daily media dedicated to industrial measurement, from sensor to cloud, whatever the application sector. This online media, of which Cédric Lardière is the editor-in-chief, is supported by a daily newsletter and is accessible to all free of charge, which, to our knowledge, is unique in France in this field.

The ViPress-mesure.net site brings together both current articles on the technological and economic aspects of industrial measurement, as well as more in-depth articles analyzing the sector (exclusive interviews, trend articles, trade show reports, guides choice of products, etc.), around 5 main headings: "Process" (measurement applied to industrial processes), "Machine" (measurement applied to the manufacturing industry), "Laboratory" (measurement dedicated to academic research, R&D, quality control), “Test/Metrology” (tests, CND, metrology, etc.) and “Electrical/electro measurement” (electrical and electronic measurements).

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