The Conferences of Wednesday, October 5, 2022
10:00 a.m.
French Chemical Society
Industrial Analysis at the service of the Environment and people.
45 mins
The evaluation of the quality of life of people and of the environment in which they live is necessary. Identification and quantification are possible. Industrial analysis provides solutions to these societal challenges by defining whether air and water comply with current French and European standards. The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate these measures through the intervention of two specialists, one in the air sector and the other in the water sector:
Continuous measurement of emissions into the air: assessment of applicable technological and regulatory solutions, implementation and monitoring for units classified as “incinerators”.
The presentation will focus on the pollutants concerned by the new incinerator BREF, on the EN14181 standard and its application in the assessment of available technologies. The keys to success for the implementation and monitoring of QAL2, QAL3 as well as the report for the authorities will be discussed.
Presentation of Solutions and innovations for water detection and analysis, applied to water purification and wastewater treatment.
Francis PITHON French Chemical Society
10:45 a.m.
Master the measurement process.
45 mins
This presentation aims to recall on the one hand the basics of metrology, metrological connection and uncertainties as well as the definitions of key terms, then on the other hand to explain the good practices to be implemented to control the process. measurement, conditions necessary for product quality control.
French Metrology College I J. LOPEZ I
11:30 a.m.
Round table
Recruitment needs in measurement professions.
Be an actor in the protection of the environment and people.
55 mins
Presentation of the types of recruitment offers, particularly in physico-chemical measurement, metrology and instrumentation / laboratories.
Testimonials from companies on the expectations of professionals and development opportunities.
This round table is moderated by Francis Pithon, with the participation of representatives of companies and the recruitment firm ACAVI. The total duration of the round table is 55 minutes.
2:00 p.m.
Metrology Solutions
Organization and management of a fleet of instruments.
45 mins
In this presentation, we will see the tools and best practices to put in place to pragmatically and effectively manage a fleet of instruments, optimizing costs without sacrificing efficiency.
Metrology Solutions I M. ESCUILLIE I
3:00 p.m.
Industry 4.0: telemetry up to the challenge!
45 mins
Thanks to the development of digital technology, telemetry has become 100% configurable digitally.
The connected gauge bridge also makes it possible to measure the torque with an exposure time of less than 5 minutes.
Presentation of the materials, possibilities and advantages of this new generation of telemetry which won the 2021 innovation prize. Rudolf - Eberle from the Baden Württemberg region.
LESCATE I L. Ameloot I
3:30 p.m.
Design and layout of laboratories.
45 mins
This intervention addresses the problems of designing a laboratory, its equipment and the rules to be respected. The different types of laboratories, constraints and prerequisites, aeraulics, installation, equipment, choice of EPCs and maintenance are mentioned. For each step, the standards and regulations in force are recalled.
4:30 p.m.
University of Grenoble
Trade shows: economic and commercial challenges of tomorrow, The forms desired by exhibitors who invest in trade shows
45 mins

During this new edition of Mesures Solutions EXPO, the French College of Metrology will host a cycle of conferences on subjects in line with industrial needs.
MORE INFORMATIONS : www.cfmetrologie.com I info@cfmetrologie.com
The French College of Metrology, today brings together more than 525 manufacturers, users of measurement means from all sectors. It is a key player in the field of measurement and at the intersection between the industrial world and R&D. The objectives of the CFM are to disseminate good measurement practices and promote meetings and technical exchanges, through: Technical Days, Measurement Days, International Metrology Congress, technical guides, online information ...
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